Chabad Hebrew School, directed by Chaya Weingarten, strives to offer a unique Jewish experience to the children of our community. Chabad Hebrew School is built on the belief that every Jewish child deserves a meaningful, relevant and joyful Jewish education.

Our comprehensive curriculum is permeated with a creative hands-on approach to learning. Our goal is to share with our students and their families the joy, pride and responsibility of being a Jew in our world today.


1.     Hebrew reading, writing, and vocabulary
2.     Jewish history, its heroes and heroines
3.     Holidays and traditions
4.     Music and Art
5.     Torah Studies 
6.     Prayer and Synagogue familiarity


Our Hebrew reading curriculum is based on the internationally acclaimed Aleph Champion Reading Program, a motivational system that’s been proven to be a most effective method of teaching Hebrew reading and writing to children.  We also incorporate basic Hebrew Vocabulary and have an advanced track for students who are more fluent in the Hebrew language.